🗓️ Pixel Heroes Adventure OBT: How to Earn Premium Mystery Boxes and Mystery Key Fragments! 🎮
With the upcoming OBT (Open Beta Test) for Pixel Heroes Adventure, exciting new ways to earn Premium Mystery Boxes and Mystery Key Fragments are coming your way! Here’s a breakdown of the various content where you can score amazing rewards:

🔑 Mystery Box and Play2Airdrop
- The Play2Airdrop officially kicks off soon! You can open Mystery Boxes using Mystery Key Fragments.
- Inside the Mystery Box, you can obtain Summoning Stones, MGOLD, and DIAMOND.
- Primal HeroZ can be summoned using Summoning Stones.
When OBT begins, the Mystery Key Fragment event in TapAdventure will end, but don’t worry! You’ll still have plenty of opportunities to earn Premium Mystery Boxes and Mystery Key Fragments through various content in Pixel Heroes Adventure.
🏆 Ways to Earn Premium Mystery Boxes & Mystery Key Fragments
1. PHA Code Event

- You can collect P, H, and A alphabet items (total of 12 characters) from Field Bosses.
- Each alphabet letter can only be used once for generous rewards.
- When other players use your code, you can earn additional rewards, such as Premium Mystery Boxes and Mystery Key Fragments.
2. Task System